Guillaume Verdier’s News
To know all about Guillaume Verdier and his team: latest news, publications, projects …

A single rudder, a flap on the keel: Vincent Riou’s new Pogo is an “assertive architectural choice”.
4 April 2024/by CT_LaColloc
First transatlantic sailing speed record in a Mini 6.50
3 March 2024/by CT_LaCollocULTIM. GITANA launches construction of new maxi-trimaran
3 January 2024/by CT_LaColloc
INTERVIEW. Guillaume Verdier: “I like to be able to be critical, without being too annoying”.
28 November 2023/by CT_LaColloc
24-hour distance record for HOLCIM – PRB
16 November 2023/by CT_LaCollocInterview with Guillaume Verdier: I’ll never be someone’s boss
16 November 2023/by CT_LaColloc
Vidéo.” Plateau de haut vol”: in the intimacy of the Gitana team, with Guillaume Verdier
16 November 2023/by CT_LaColloc
Emirates Team New Zealand sets a new wind powered land speed record
15 November 2023/by CT_LaColloc
Eole, a somptuous wooden Ketch designed by the architects Guillaume Verdier and Axel de Beaufort
6 October 2023/by CT_LaColloc
The Why not, a 35 m schooner
12 August 2023/by CT_LaColloc
Rolex Fastnet Race 2023: The Charlie Dalin’s Masterstroke
29 July 2023/by CT_LaColloc
Charlie Dalin’s new boat: The small steps to super-competitive performance
26 June 2023/by CT_LaColloc
A new Imoca designed by Guillaume Verdier for Elodie Bonafous
26 June 2023/by CT_LaColloc
VIDEO. Charlie Dalin’s new IMOCA designed by Guillaume Verdier and his team, is unveiled
13 June 2023/by CT_LaColloc
The Ocean Race: “11 Th Hour Racing” wins stage 5 in Aarhus and takes the overall lead
30 May 2023/by CT_LaColloc
Guillaume Verdier : 640 miles can be beaten…
30 May 2023/by CT_LaColloc
Biotherm complete the leg 4 podium
16 May 2023/by CT_LaColloc
The Ocean Race: the boats in the race
16 May 2023/by CT_LaColloc
The Ocean Race. 11th Hour wins the 4th leg in Newport, its home port!
16 May 2023/by CT_LaColloc
The Ocean Race: In Cape Town, the Imocas on the podium are designed by Guillaume Verdier
14 February 2023/by CT_LaColloc